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Moodle Training Moodle Training
This course has been designed to assist teachers in the creation of High School credit course layout through the Moodle platform.

Getting Started Getting Started with Your Online Course
This platform is designed to assist students in initiating their online course journey. It is highly recommended that students engage with this resource before commencing their coursework.

AVI2O Visual Arts, Grade 10, Open
This course enables students to develop their skills in producing and presenting art by introducing them to new ideas, materials, and processes for artistic exploration and experimentation.
Prerequisite: None

MCR3U Functions, Grade 11, University
This course introduces the mathematical concept of the function by extending students' experiences with linear and quadratic relations.
Prerequisite: Principles of Mathematics, Grade 10, Academic

MPM2D Principles of Mathematics, Grade 10
This course enables students to broaden their understanding of relationships and extend their problem-solving and algebraic skills through investigation, the effective use of technology, and abstract reasoning.
Prerequisites: Grade 9 Mathematics

MTH1W Mathematics, Grade 9
This course enables students to consolidate and continue to develop, an understanding of mathematical concepts related to number sense and operations, algebra, measurement, geometry, data, probability, and financial literacy.

ESLEO English as a Second Language, ESL Level 5
This course provides students with the skills and strategies they need to make the transition to college and university preparation courses in English and other secondary school disciplines. Students will be encouraged to develop independence in a range of academic tasks. They will participate in debates and lead classroom workshops; read and interpret literary works and academic texts; write essays, narratives, and reports; and apply a range of learning strategies and research skills effectively. Students will further develop their ability to respond critically to print and media texts.

ESLCO English as a Second Language, Level 3
This course further extends students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English for various every day and academic purposes. Students will make short classroom oral presentations; read various adapted and original texts in English; and write using various text forms. Students will also expand their academic vocabulary and study skills to facilitate their transition to the mainstream school program.